May 19, 2024

Thursday, March 22, 2012

** Italian medic charged with stealing jewelry from patients

** Australian man attacks medic with knife while stretcher is loaded into ambulance


** An EMS worker in Reggio Calabria has been charged with robbery x 2 after allegedly stealing jewelry from patients. That is the word from the Telegraph (March 21) which said nurse Fabio Nucera, 30, apparently pilfered the goods while the prehospital rig was en route to hosptial. According to the newspaper, Nucera then sold the items at a local shop. Police told the newspaper the shop owners were aware the jewelry had been stolen.


** No one was injured, but St. John Ambulance officials are crying foul after a patient launched a vicious knife attack on an attending medic late Wednesday night. ABC News (March 21) said the incident, which occurred some 500 miles east of Darwin, played out as the allegedly ill man was being loaded into the ambulance. Brandishing the knife while on the stretcher, the man’s move was foiled by the EMS practitioner who knocked the blade out of the patient’s hand. A subsequent search found a second knife in the front of the man’s underwear. A second man is also believed to have been potentially involved in the drama. Police are investigating.


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