May 18, 2024

Friday, January 13, 2012

** South Carolina man tries jumping from air ambulance

** Nevada senior citizen sentenced for grabbing female flight medic’s breast


** The medevac crew of a South Carolina air ambulance are likely still shaking their heads, after a Saturday drama in which a patient tried to jump from their helicopter. The Associated Press (January 10) said the incident, which forced the aircraft to make an emergency landing, played out around 6:45 p.m. According to the news service, air medics were hailed after the same 26-year-old jumped from an SUV while it was in-transit on Interstate 95. Strapped to a backboard, the man managed to free himself and then started attacking the crew. He was eventually restrained after being placed in a full body sleeve like restraint. Although transported to hospital, his condition remains unknown.

** A Reno, Nevada senior citizen must write a letter of apology to a female medic whose breast he grabbed during a transport to the Mayor Clinic in September 2010. That is the word from the Pioneer Press (David Hanners/January 11) which said 84-year-old Bob Lee was also tasked by a judge Wednesday with a $5,000 fine, $431 in restitution and 180 days of probation. According to the newspaper, Lee pleaded guilty in July to the misdemeanor assault charge. His apparent contrition was in stark contrast to accounts following the incident. Newspaper coverage indicated millionaire Lee had told the EMS practitioner it was his right to molest her since he owned the airplane. He made similar comments to an onboard nurse.


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