June 2, 2024

Friday, September 23, 2011

** Former Connecticut EMT pleads not guilty to setting house fires

** Russian man facing criminal charges after taking EMS crew hostage following lengthy wait for ambulance


** A former Connecticut EMT/firefighter pleaded not guilty earlier this week to charges he set three vacant homes on fire. That is the word from the Connecticut Post (Daniel Tepfer/September 21) which said Fairfield resident Christoper Message, 34, entered his plea in court Tuesday. Message, who was charged with first-degree arson x 2, first-degree burglary x 2, as well as third-degree arson and burglary, has had his bond reduced from $3 million to $1.5 million. According to the newspaper, Message allegedly set the fires as revenge for being fired from his EMS job with American Medical Response. Police told reporters Message confessed to them and guided officers to the burn sites to demonstrate how he set the homes alight.


** A Vladivostock man is apparently facing criminal charges after allegedly taking an ambulance crew hostage when they made him wait for EMS care. RT.com (September 21) said the undated incident played out with the man threatening the onboard doctors with an air gun. According to the news site, he told the medics they would have to remain with him for the five hours it took them to reach him. The patient released his hostages only after receiving a painkiller injection. A spokesman for the ambulance service conceded the lengthy response time, but said the man’s help hail was not very urgent.


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