May 18, 2024

** Queensland opposition in Australia touting petition for body cameras for paramedics
** Detroit, Michigan EMT attacked in October still struggling to return to work
** In light of recent violent attacks on paramedics, Queensland’s opposition party is advocating
paramedics wear cameras on their uniforms. That is the word from MySunshineCoast. com
(December 23) which said a petition sponsored by Gaven politician Sid Cramp is asking for a nine
month trial with the devices. Following that an assessment of their effectiveness can be done.
Cramp said the move is necessary as the safety of medics is increasingly being put at risk. Shadow
Health Minister Mark McArdle concurred, saying a worrying trend has developed among the
public that sees people have an increasing disregard for EMS responders.
** A Detroit medic, attacked and severely injured by a male patient he was attending in October,
continues to struggle to return to work. Fox2Detroit (December 22) said Al Rojas, 25, who suffered
stab wounds to the face and hands in the box cutter assault, still has difficulty with his grip,
making grabbing items like stretcher handles difficult. Currently in occupational therapy, Rojas
hopes to regain function in around 3 months.


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