May 17, 2024

** Alabama woman stabs EMT transporting her to hospital
** Former head of EMS service in Georgia convicted on child porn possession
** Alabama police in Opp have charged a female patient with stabbing an EMT while the
ambulance was en route to a Florala hospital Wednesday morning.
(Jared Boyd/November 18) said the incident began around 5:45 a.m. when EMS hailed police
for assistance after pulling over at a local intersection. According to the newspaper, responding
police had to subdue a combative Robin Michelle Watson.  She was transported to jail and tagged
with second-degree felony assault x 2. Along with the medic in the fracas, a police officer also
sustained minor injuries. There is no word yet on her next court date.
** A former Georgia EMS director will remain in federal custody for the next 2 months pending
sentencing for a conviction on child porn possession charges. That is the word from WRDW
(November 18) which said Tim Edwards, who previously ran McDuffy EMS, entered his guilty
plea in federal court yesterday as part of a plea deal to prevent a jury trial. According to the news site,
Edwards was trading sexually explicit images of toddler to 12-year-old boys on both Skype and a
personal cell phone. Authorities were led to Edwards while investigating a similar case out of Chicago.


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