May 19, 2024

Friday, July 20, 2012

** South African paramedics carrying guns on the job to defend themselves against increasing violence

** Former Pennsylvania Marine lobbying for special day dedicated to military and emergency services personnel


** Increasing violence against emergency medical services personnel has prompted medics across the country to arm themselves for protection. That is the word from the Sunday Times (Graeme Hoskin/July 18) which said some 3 per cent of the nation’s 100,000 paramedics pack pistols while on duty. South African Private Ambulance and Emergency Services Association spokesman Oliver Wright said the stats were a concern. Wright said the decision by many responders to carry guns is understandable, given the spate of ambulance hijackings, medic rapes, and attacks in recent years. Not condoning the action, however, Wright said it is possible assailants could increase hits on emergency personnel to obtain the weapons carried by practitioners. SA Emergency Personnel Union president Mpho Mpogeng, meanwhile, said paramedic safety standards were shocking. He said each month at least 10 paramedics are attacked. The article comes at a time when two men have been convicted for raping a female paramedic crew outside Johannesburg in 2010. In that instance, the women were treating a juvenile burn patient when they were attacked.


** A former Pennsylvania Marine is lobbying to have a special day designated in honor of military and emergency services personnel. The Journal Courier (Greg Olson/July 17) said Export resident Lance Robinson, 54, wants Brother-to-Brother Day declared nationwide for September 10. According to the newspaper, Robinson has been drumming up support for the effort since last September. Working from east to west, he has so far visited 18 states on foot or bicycle. Gathering proclamations from governors and Mayors, Robinson said veterans organizations are also standing behind the effort which he expects to complete by 2014. At that time, he will go to federal authorities to establish the day officially.


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