May 18, 2024

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

** Michigan medevac chopper grounded after rear ending by ambulance

** Welsh police cars often transporting EMS patients, police chief contends


** A Michigan air ambulance, responding to a Sunday MVA, was unable to complete its journey after being rear ended by a land EMS unit. That is the word from Wood TV 8 (May 11) which said the mishap damaged the aircraft’s rotor caps. According to the newspaper, the Aero Med helicopter remained grounded until mechanics made repairs around 11 a.m. The patient, meanwhile, was transported to hospital by road with Aero Med staff accompanying.


** Police cars in Gwent, Wales have apparently had to take 92 people to hospital in the last six months due to lagging EMS response times. That, at least, is the contention of Chief Constable Mick Giannasi who said he is concerned patients could die if the practice continues. Giannasi said December was a particularly bad month, with officers forced to handle help hailers on 41 occasions. A spokesman for the Welsh Ambulance Service NHS Trust conceded police transports, but said peak periods often force such cooperation amongst emergency services.


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