September 20, 2024

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

** Calgary medics vs. Edmonton counterparts in blood donor challenge

** New South Wales ambulance chief calls for fast tracking of EMS patients


** Paramedics in Calgary and Edmonton, Alberta are going head to head in a blood donor challenge this month. That is the word from the Edmonton Sun (January 14) which said the event, running from January 4 – 31, will see firefighters and police from the two cities also participate. The collection, held in conjunction with Canadian Blood Services, saw Edmonton take its place at the 2007 winner’s table. Several years in the running, Sirens for Life has raised some 20,000 units of blood to aid about 60,000 patients.


** Stats released on 2007 ER crunches in Sydney, New South Wales (NSW) have prompted the state’s EMS chief to call for improved measures to fast track ambulance patients. That is the word from the Sydney Morning Herald (January 14) which quoted Greg Rochford as saying the situation is far from satisfactory. Making his comments after a report indicated critically ill patients languished last year the equivalent of 718 days on hallway stretchers, Rochford’s take on the situation was echoed by opposition health spokewoman Jillian Skinner who said there are systemic problems that place patient lives at risk. Noting that an especially virulent strain of the flu pumped up ER patient numbers last winter, a government spokesman stick handled criticism by saying the majority of seriously ill patients are treated at hospitals within a two minute timeframe. The spokesman also said NSW injected $50 million into the system late last year to fund 150 actue care beds.


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