May 5, 2024

** Pandemic fueling more drug overdoses, with Toronto and Winnipeg medics seeing fentanyl/heroin combo now widely used


** The ongoing restrictions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic are apparently fueling an increase in drug abuse, with Toronto and Winnipeg medics seeing a combination of fentanyl and heroin now becoming the drug of choice. That is the word from CTV News (July 24) which said the deadly duo have now surpassed meth as the most popular street drugs. According to the news site, the mix is being pushed by an upswing in police meth seizures and cross border drug trafficking routes shutting down. The relatively cheap cost of around $5 a hit is also contributing. Winnipeg Police Insp. Max Waddell, who is with the Organized Crime Division, said overdoses are happening due to incorrect mixing of the drugs. Although specific stats on overdoses are not yet available, Fire Paramedic Service public education co-ordinator Cory Guest said medics are having to use naloxone more often on calls. In June, Narcan was given 179 times to patients, compared with only 87 in the same month in 2019.


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