September 23, 2024

Thursday, July 7, 2011

** UK navy medic to spend 7 months in jail after objecting to combat training

** UK man given slap on wrist after attacking police officer in ambulance


** A Royal Navy medic who refused rifle training because he says he is a conscientious objector will spend seven months in the clink. That is the word from the BBC (July 5) which said Leading Medical Assistant Michael Lyons, 25, has been found guilty of disobeying a lawful order. According to the news site, Lyons said he objected to Afghanistan combat service on moral grounds. Lyons, who is based in Plymouth, has also been demoted and will be dismissed from military service.

** A Bristol man who head butted a police office accompanying him in the ambulance has only been tagged with a curfew and a fine for the assault. The Bristol Evening Post (July 5) said Joseph Rimmell, 21, who admitted his guilt in the May 20th attack, must remain at home between 8 p.m. and 6 a.m. According to the newspaper, Rimmell launched his strike after police were called to the Bristol Royal Infirmary ER. Still on a stretcher in the ambulance, he first threatened officers, before unexpectedly ramming his noggin into one. Expressing remorse later, Rimmell`s behaviour was apparently fuelled by cocaine. Along with the above mentioned sentence, the court ordered his stash confiscated and destroyed.


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