September 21, 2024

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

** New York private hospital EMT charged with stalking female patient

** Florida paramedic, shot Friday while on the job, released from hospital


** New York police have arrested a Brooklyn private hospital EMT for stalking a patient. The North Country Gazette (January 31) said Ansar Ali, 50, has been charged with second degree coercion, aggravated harassment, fourth degree stalking, and second degree harassment in connection with a criminal complaint reaching back to  December 26. According to the newspaper, Ali obtained personal information on a female patient after transferring her to a Queen’s hospital. Upon her discharge, he repeatedly phoned her, threatening to turn her in to immigration authorities if she did not respond to him. On January 6, he also stood outside the woman’s door for 90 minutes, yelling at her to gain entrance into her home. Currently suspended from his job, Ali could spend upwards of a half decade in jail if convicted on all charges.

** A Pensacola, Florida paramedic, shot Friday by an unknown gunman, has now been released from hospital. (February 1) said Brandon Richie, 28, who was inside the ambulance when the shooter opened fire, continues to recover at home from shoulder wounds sustained during the attack. Richie, who was transported by police cruiser following the shooting, was waiting at a staging center located near the Escambia County Jail when the gunman tapped him on the shoulder. He then fled and remains at large.


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