September 21, 2024

Monday, January 31, 2011

** Court case involving murder of Ontario paramedic begins winding way through court

** Massachusetts considering posthumously naming roadway after combat medic killed in Afghanistan


** Court proceedings are continuing against an Arthur, Ontario man accused of murdering area paramedic Adrienne Roberts last October 6. The Guelph Mercury (January 28) said Terry Tremble, 50, who was married to Roberts, appeared before a judge Thursday via video hook-up. According to the newspaper, Tremble’s attorney was attempting to have an assault charge involving the couple’s infant son dropped;the charge related to an incident at the family home on September 21, 2010. Currently charged with the first degree murder of his wife, Tremble is set to appear in court again on February 10 and 17. Roberts, who worked for Guelph-Wellington EMS, was found dead inside the couple’s home.


** The city council in Salem, Massachusetts is considering rechristening a bypass road in honor of an area military medic killed in Afghanistan. The Salem News (Matthew Roy/January 28) said politicos could dub a one mile section leading to the downtown Sgt. James Ayube Memorial Drive. Ayube, 25, who grew up near the stretch, died December 8 while on a combat mission after a suicide bomber detonated his explosives pack. Burial services took place ten days later at the city’s Harmony Grove Cemetery. Hundreds of residents lined the procession route to pay tribute to his memory. Before becoming official, the name change will be vetted by area veterans and possibly even state officials. In December 2009, the council had voted to change the road’s moniker to Veterans Riverway.


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