September 30, 2024

** UK medic struck off after failing to aid dying patient
** A Walsall paramedic has been found guilty of professional misconduct after ignoring a dying
man outside an emergency department. That is the word from the BBC (February 29) which said
Andrew Davies has now been struck off from practicing because of the June 23, 2012 incident.
According to the news service, Davies was standing outside the hospital doors when Carl Cope, 47,
collapsed on the sidewalk suffering from a heart attack. Davies and three other staff members did
not come to his aid and he later died. Davies was fired from the West Midlands Ambulance Service
for gross misconduct. A spokesman for the Health and Care Professions Council said Davies’
conduct fell far short of what was expected of a prehospital provider. Naseem Malik also said
there was little indication that Davies had gained any insight into the wrongfulness of his actions.


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