September 30, 2024

** Court case against UK man accused of murdering paramedic continues to unfold
** California authorities say December’s San Bernadino mass shooting was to have
included secondary explosion to take out first responders
** A retired Cumbria paramedic died May 30th after a pub crawl gone wrong saw him sustain
multiple and severe blows to the head. That is the word from the News and Star (January 26)
which said Terrence Edward Taylor, 59, who ultimately died from a brain haemorrhage, also
suffered a broken cheekbone, jawbone, and eye socket in the assault which occurred in a back
room at Cockermouth’s The Globe Hotel. According to the newspaper, Taylor was with a bunch
of pool buddies when he was allegedly set upon by Arkleby resident Michael Andrew Sanderson,
31. Sanderson fled the scene. Taylor’s body was discovered a short time later by a bartender.
Witnesses said Sanderson was seen shortly after the 1:45 a.m. attack with blood stained hands and
a foul demeanour. Sanderson denies attacking Taylor, though he told police he has no memory
of the time around his friend’s death. Upon examination, police found both Taylor’s blood and DNA
on Sanderson’s clothing. Taylor, who worked for Greater Manchester Ambulance Service for
25 years, left a wife, 3 children, and 2 grandchildren behind.
** A plot to blow up first responders in a secondary explosion in San Bernadino, California last
month was apparently foiled due to the poor workmanship of the bomb. The Press Enterprise
(Tami Abdollah/Amanda Lee Myers/AP/January 26) said that is the supposition of police in
relation to the mass shooting at a government office Christmas party on December 2nd.
According to the newspaper, the explosive made from 3 pipe bombs was supposed to have blown
after being activated by a remote control switch from a toy car. The apparent plan was to kill first
responders who arrived to treat the the 22 shooting victims. Fourteen people died in the incident,
including terrorists Siyed Rizwan Farook and his wife Tashfeen Malik. The latter were killed in a
shootout with police.


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