September 21, 2024

** South African ambulance crew robbed at gunpoint
** UK man punches medic in face during traffic stop
** An Eastern Cape EMS crew in New Brighton was robbed at gunpoint early Wednesday after
being hailed to treat a patient in an alley. News 24 (Adam Wakefield/September 30) said the heist
took place just after midnight and saw two supposed bystanders volunteer to lead medics to the
patient. Once in the side street, however, the men dropped their good Samaritan disguise,
demanding the crew turn over their valuables. The keys to the ambulance were also taken. A short
time later, a private ambulance in the vicinity was also robbed. This is the second ambulance
robbery in the city since May. In another incident, an ambulance patient was shot and killed while
being loaded into the EMS rig. As a result of the targeting of prehospital workers, the health
department has issued a public call for nabbing the criminals responsible.
** Lincolnshire police are looking for a suspect in relation to a Sunday incident
in which a man punched an on-duty paramedic in the face. That is the word from The Grimsby
Telegraph (September 30) which said the incident took place as the practitioner was in his vehicle
attempting to pass a stationary Range Rover. The prehospital rig had just finished circumventing
the car and was behind a bus when the male occupant of the Range Rover got out and went over
to the medic and attacked him. Police say the suspect is white, in his late 50s, and of a large
build. The motive for the assault is unknown. The extent of the paramedic’s injuries are also not clear.
A public appeal has been issued for witnesses to the incident.


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