September 22, 2024

Monday, June 6, 2011

** California man arrested in beating of paramedic may have been involved in Nevada gang shooting, police say

** Ontario gets award for paramedic bravery


** The man arrested in connection with the beating of a California paramedic is apparently wanted for an early year Nevada gang shooting as well. That is the word from The Bay Citizen (Katherine Mieszkowski/June 1) which said Giovanni Ramirez, who was arrested May 22, may soon be questioned by detectives from Henderson, Nevada. In the meantime, Ramirez remains the main suspect in the attack on Santa Clara provider Bryan Stow. Stow, who was set upon March 31 in the Dodger Stadium parking lot, remains in hospital contending with traumatic brain injury. According to the newspaper, he is on heavy doses of anti-seizure medication, making it difficult for doctors to gauge brain function. Aside from Ramirez, police are still searching for a man and woman believed to be connected with the assault.


** Ontario paramedics will soon have an award in place to honour the heroism of individual practitioners. Local2 Sault Ste. Marie (June 3) said the Ontario Award for Paramedic Bravery was announced in the provincial legislature Friday. According to the news site, the commendation was sparked by the line of duty death of Chatham Kent paramedic Paul Patterson. Patterson, 30, died February 25, 2007 when the ambulance he was riding in to respond to an emergency slid on ice and rolled. The award was originally sponsored by Lambton Kent Middlesex MPP Maria Van Brommel;it was later reintroduced by MPP Dr. Eric Hoskins. Practitioners expected to be recognized for the honour will be those who have placed their own lives at risk to protect the lives of others. On and off-duty medics will be eligible.


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