September 21, 2024

Friday, February 25, 2011

** Stolen ambulance used in assassination attempt on new Egyptian leader

** Mexican medics threatened by drug cartels


** Officials in Egypt have confirmed that assassins in a stolen ambulance attempted to kill the country’s newly minted leader, ex-VP Omar Suleiman, during the recent Cairo uprisings. The Associated Press (Bassem Mroue/February 24) said the undated attack, which took place close to the presidential palace, apparently ended with one of Suleiman’s bodyguards being killed in a hail of bullets. His driver was also seriously wounded. Although government talking heads remained largely mum following the incident, Foreign Minister Ahmed Aboul Gheit admitted Wednesday that the attempted hit had actually occurred. He also said Egyptian investigators were continuing to look into the matter.


** Drug dealers monitoring emergency frequencies in Ciudad Juarez are apparently threatening paramedics who transport gunshot wound patients to hospital. Fox News Latino (February 24) said the intimidation, which began late last year, has been constant as practitioners attend to some 5 shooting victims per day. On several occasions, the threats have escalated to the point where drug cartel thugs follow ambulances or show up at hospitals to finish killing their targets. From the La Linea and El Chapo cartels, the criminals’ threats have prompted EMS to begin transporting patients in secret. Sirens are not used and lesser known hospital routes are taken.


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