September 22, 2024


Friday, June 19, 2015

** Afghan ambulances destroyed in Taliban attack
** London Ambulance in UK on hot seat over non-existent response to severely beaten pregnant woman
** The Taliban are back on the rise, with their latest escapade being the burning of a pair of ambulances and a medical clinic in Helmand Province Wednesday night. That is the word from the KHAAMA Press (June 18) which said the attack also laid waste to a Musa Qala District market. According to the news service, the rebels were armed with light and heavy weapons which they used in a firefight with security forces. Both sides suffered casualties, though treatment was delayed due to the destruction to the medical facility and its equipment.
** London Ambulance Service brass are taking public heat after a pregnant woman whose baby died in-utero following a vicious beating had to wait 70 minutes for emergency care. The Telegraph (June 18) said Peckam resident Malorie Bantala, 21, was 32 weeks along Monday when she was set upon by the men who repeatedly kicked and beat her about the stomach. Although an ambulance was hailed at 8:16 p.m., police were eventually forced to drive Bantala to hospital because no EMS unit ever showed up. An ambulance service spokesman has since apologized for the foul-up, saying an investigation into the matter has now begun. Police have arrested one man in relation to the incident. Kevin Wilson, 20, appeared in court yesterday charged with grievous bodily harm and baby destruction.
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Sudbury, Ontario – Paramedic pilot project appears to be working
Oak Island, North Carolina – Off-duty paramedic saves shark attack victim’s life
London, UK – Ambulance trusts failing to meet targets
West Midlands, UK – Ambulance service condemns youths after paramedic attacked with fireworks during late night call-out
Co. Fermanagh, Northern Ireland – Doctor in ambulance crash to receive 1M pounds in damages
Limerick, Ireland – Health service still spending thousands on private ambulances
Victoria, Australia – Patients treated in parked ambulances
Abaco, Bahamas – Employee suspended after ambulance is used for prom
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